Secure Dentures With Implants This Thanksgiving! [BLOG]

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, you’re probably looking forward to a delightful smorgasbord of holiday fare. Along with visiting beloved family members and friends you don’t often see, food is one of the most enjoyable parts of this particular holiday season.

That’s why missing one or more teeth at a time like this can really put a damper on things. Nobody wants to restrict themselves when filling up their plate, especially on a holiday like Thanksgiving!

And thanks to Alluring Smiles, you don’t have to! That’s because we offer tooth replacement options that not only complete your smile, but ones that allow you to eat the foods you love!

With implant-supported dentures, your feasting frenzy can be as enjoyable and carefree as those around you. It’s why we’re devoting today’s blog to this option in tooth replacement and our Mesa, AZ dental team can help you find out if it’s the right one for you!

How Implant-Supported Dentures Are Different

Full-arch dentures certainly have their place in dentistry, which is why so many dental practices, including Alluring Smiles, still use them as an effective tooth replacement option. But they’re not for everyone.

That’s why we want to provide a variety of options, like implant-supported dentures, in our Mesa, AZ dental office. By securing your dentures with dental implants, we’re giving you a stable, strong, and lasting set of healthy teeth and a natural-looking smile.

The Advantages Of Implant-Supported Dentures

Dental implants are by far the most successful tooth replacement option in modern dentistry because they are placed in your jawbone and act like an artificial root. Then, they’re covered with a dental restoration, like a crown.

This allows for almost the same kind of bite power you get with natural teeth. Here are some reasons this gives you an edge, especially around the holidays!

Eat What You Want!

As we said before, full-arch dentures have their place. But they do come with certain limitations. One of those is with your diet.

Since traditional dentures are kept in place with an adhesive, it can mean that some foods are off limits unless you want to risk them moving around or falling out while you eat. This can mean sitting at Thanksgiving dinner piling on the mashed potatoes and passing on the turkey.

Implant-supported dentures open up your food options. So when it comes to the holidays, you don’t have to feel left out when it’s time to load your plate! You can enjoy all the foods you love without worry or stress.

Smile With Confidence!

Think about the last time you posed for some family photos or group selfies with friends. Chances are it was during some kind of special occasion. Holidays are one of those times.

You’re getting a chance to spend time with the people you care about most, and it definitely invites a lot of photo ops! Now, if you’re missing teeth, you’ll probably stress about how to hide your smile or avoid having your picture taken entirely.

Implant-supported dentures complete your smile and give you the courage to capture all the memories you want without the anxiety that comes with feeling embarrassed or insecure about showing your teeth.

Protect Your Oral Health!

Another advantage of implant-supported dentures is one that you can enjoy all year long, not just on holidays.

That’s the chance to keep your oral and overall health protected with easy cleaning. You don’t have to go through the hassle of taking your dentures out and cleaning them each and every night.

Instead, you can maintain the same oral hygiene routine you always did with regular brushing and flossing to keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy!

Learn More About Implant-Supported Dentures!

You don’t have to let tooth loss continue to shroud your holiday experiences. That’s all thanks to the technology and the skilled professionals at Alluring Smiles!

With our tooth replacement options, such as implant-supported dentures, you can enjoy all the foods you love and a smile you’ll feel great about showing off in family photos! Start your journey now by visiting our Mesa, AZ dental office and learning more about implant-supported dentures.

Call Alluring Smiles today at 480-830-6300 or fill out our online form to schedule an appointment.

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