PerioLase: Revolutionizing Non-Invasive Periodontal Surgery in Mesa, AZ 

an illustration of laser gum treatment equipment PerioLase is a groundbreaking advancement in the field of dentistry, specifically in the realm of periodontal surgery. It has garnered significant attention due to its non-invasive approach, offering patients a minimally traumatic alternative to traditional gum surgeries. This innovative technology utilizes laser energy to target and treat periodontal disease without the need for incisions, stitches, or invasive procedures. At Alluring Smiles, we provide PerioLase services to patients throughout Mesa, Arizona, and the surrounding areas. 

How Does PerioLase Work? 

At the core of PerioLase’s effectiveness lies its ability to selectively eliminate diseased tissue and bacteria while promoting the regeneration of healthy gums and bones. This laser-based system operates at a specific wavelength that specifically targets the bacteria and infected tissue causing periodontal disease. The laser energy removes the infected tissue while leaving the surrounding healthy tissue intact. 

By using laser energy, PerioLase disinfects the affected area and promotes the regeneration of bone and gum tissues. This regeneration process enables the body to naturally heal itself, allowing for the restoration of the gum and bone structure without the need for invasive procedures or bone grafting. 

What Are Some Benefits of PerioLase? 

PerioLase offers a wide array of advantages including but not limited to: 

A Non-Invasive Approach 

PerioLase stands out for its non-invasive nature, eliminating the need for incisions or sutures commonly associated with traditional gum surgeries. Patients benefit from reduced discomfort during and after the procedure, leading to a smoother and more comfortable recovery. 

Improved Recovery 

Compared to conventional periodontal surgeries, patients undergoing PerioLase experience faster healing times. The absence of incisions and stitches minimizes post-operative pain, swelling, and bleeding, allowing individuals to return to their daily routines more swiftly. 

Regeneration Without Bone Grafting 

One of the remarkable aspects of PerioLase is its ability to stimulate bone regeneration without requiring additional bone grafting procedures. This eliminates the need for harvesting bone from other body parts, reducing patient discomfort and potential complications associated with grafting. 

Selective Treatment 

PerioLase’s precise targeting of diseased tissue and bacteria ensures that only affected areas are treated while preserving healthy tissue. This accuracy enhances the effectiveness of the treatment while minimizing damage to surrounding structures. 

Why Do Patients Choose PerioLase? 

Patients opt for PerioLase due to its less invasive nature, reduced discomfort, faster recovery times, and the potential to regenerate gum and bone tissues without the need for extensive surgical procedures. The ability to address periodontal issues effectively while prioritizing patient comfort and quicker healing is a compelling reason for individuals to choose this innovative approach. 

Learn More 

PerioLase represents a remarkable advancement in periodontal care, offering patients a less invasive, more comfortable, and highly effective alternative to traditional gum surgeries. Its ability to promote tissue regeneration without invasive techniques positions it as a transformative option in the field of dental medicine, enhancing both patient experience and treatment outcomes. 

If you’re interested in learning more about PerioLase, contact Alluring Smiles today. Less than 600 dentists in the country offer this innovative procedure. We look forward to evaluating your unique case at our dental office in the Mesa, AZ, area and tailoring a dental treatment that will work best for your oral health. 

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Mesa, AZ

7115 E Baseline Rd #101
Mesa, AZ 85209


Monday - Tuesday: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Wednesday -Thursday: 7 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Friday, Saturday & Sunday: Closed
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