How Oral Surgery Keeps You Healthy [BLOG]

Sometimes, in order to keep your oral health, and your smile, intact requires oral surgery.

That’s just one of the many ways we can help you at Alluring Smiles in Mesa, AZ! Today, we’re sharing three ways that oral surgery keeps you healthy thanks to our advanced technology and treatment options!

Preserve Your Smile With Dental Implants

When you lose a tooth as an adult, it can have so many negative effects on your physical and emotional health.

If you don’t replace a missing tooth, you’re more susceptible to bacteria and infection. A big gap in your smile is ripe for harmful bacteria, which creates a ripple effect of health risks. When infection makes its way into your gums, it can then enter your bloodstream, leading to:

-Heart Disease



-Chronic Depression

The list could go on and on!

You also have the burden of what a toothless smile can do to your quality of life and your self-esteem. It’s devastating to constantly feel stress about the way you look or what foods you can and can’t eat.

These effects can be avoided, however!

Dental implants are the leading method of tooth replacement today. Since it replaces your tooth root and is covered by a dental restoration that blends in seamlessly with the rest of your smile, they’re the most secure, natural-looking option in modern dentistry!

Prepare For Dental Implants With Sinus Lifts Or Bone Grafts

It can be really discouraging to hear a dentist tell you that you aren’t a good candidate for dental implants. It’s usually because you’ve lost too much bone mass in your jaw to support them. Or it could be that your gum tissue has been so damaged by recession that you don’t have enough healthy tissue for an implant.

Thanks to bone and gum grafts at Alluring Smiles, you can rejuvenate your gums and jawbone to eventually become healthier and stronger so dental implants are possible.

It’s similar to the concept of sinus lifts. Even if you don’t have enough room for a dental implant, we can perform a sinus lift of your upper jaw so you can house a dental implant successfully.

Protect Your Health With Tooth Extraction

You can be at risk for serious health problems simply by letting an infected, damaged, or decayed tooth go untreated. It’s evidence of how a small dental problem like a cavity or a cracked tooth can ultimately lead to big problems if they’re ignored.

That’s because a hole or crack will open the door for harmful bacteria. When it leads to infection, the infection itself can spread to not only your gums and other teeth, but to your body.

This is where things can get really dangerous.

With tooth extraction, though, you are protecting your health from serious health risks. While we do all we can to keep your natural teeth, there are times when a tooth can become too damaged to be saved.

In this way, tooth extraction can keep you healthy, remove infection, and keep your smile intact with a natural-looking replacement.

Schedule Your Procedure

We know that the thought of any surgery, not to mention oral surgery, can be scary for many people. But after a procedure under the right team like ours at Alluring Smiles, you’ll soon understand why it’s nothing to be afraid of.

Dr. Portocarrero and our team are compassionate and understanding, especially when it comes your anxiety about oral surgery. Our goal is to earn your trust so that you feel comfortable enough to move in the best direction for the sake of your health.

Another way we try to help you is by making your oral surgery experience as convenient as possible. We’re all being pulled in many directions these days between work, home, and family. That’s why we’re proud to offer these procedures right here in house so you don’t have to waste time traveling to another office to see another specialist for yet another appointment!

In our Mesa, AZ dental office, your oral health is paramount. Oral surgery is one of the ways we can help you preserve that!

Call Alluring Smiles today at 480-830-6300 or fill out our online form to schedule an appointment.

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